Daniel McCoy is an accomplished fullstack software engineer from New York. He has extensive knowledge on web engineering, distributed systems, blockchain/AI technologies, and 3D gaming engines. Daniel has received various R&D grants for his work on the Internet Computer and loves to help developers learn new skills.
November 5th - Introduction and Overview
A broad overview of what the Internet Computer is, how it operates, and a general explanation on its different layers (NNS, SNS, Asset Layer, Network Structure). This will help gain a fundamental understanding of the Internet Computer, its tech stack, and why we use it.
November 7th - Getting Started
Get setup with the Internet Computer developer toolkits (DFX, Node, Azle, etc) and deploy your first basic backend canister. This will include an explanation on what canisters and cycles are and an introduction on Azle + Candid.
November 12th - Understanding IC Fullstack
Learn the basics about the Internet Computer’s asset layer by creating your first frontend live on the network and configure it to connect with your backend from the previous session. Learn about different backend functionalities and how to implement them into your frontend.
November 14th - Wallets and Authentication
Understanding Internet Computer authentication, wallets, current standards, and how to integrate these into your fullstack applications. Learn about authenticated smart contract calls.
November 19th - Complex Backends
Learn about stable memory on the Internet Computer, create a stable (persistent) memory map inside Azle that can act as a user database, and practice creating and using advanced queries.
November 21st - Unifying Concepts
Practice implementing and utilizing advanced backend mechanics in your frontend including complex queries. Learn how to further utilize DFX and some of the web packages available for you to build with.
November 26th - The Asset Layer
Learn more about the Internet Computer asset storage layer, its pros and cons, serving different files over HTTP using IC smart contracts, creating your own asset storage smart contracts, and utilizing them inside of your project.
November 28th - The Ledger and Payments
Learn how to request payments using different wallet providers, retrieve and display user balances, and create a basic paywall flow to integrate into your app.
December 3rd - Interfacing With NFTs and Tokens
Learn about the different NFT and token standards, their available functions, how to interface with them using candid in your frontend, and create a quick NFT verification tool.
December 5th - Final Project Preparations Pt. 1
Go over the expectations for the final project and mini-hackathon. Review some of the fundamentals and concepts practiced throughout the course. Begin building your final project/application.
December 10th - Final Project Preparations Pt. 2
Continue reviewing some of the fundamentals and concepts practiced throughout the course. Ask questions, get help with debugging, and prepare finishing touches. Submit projects.
December 12th - Presentation Day + Class Wrap Up
The final day of class includes announcing the winners of the mini-hackathon, showcasing their projects, talking about possible next steps, and wrapping up.